'Twas the morning of race day and all through the year
Muscles had ached, loads of cash spent on gear;
The bikes were racked in transition with care,
In hopes that post swim we’d eventually be there;
Helmets and shoes were nestled all snug in their place,
While we prayed we’d finish this gawd awful race;
With us in our spandex, wetsuits and swim cap,
‘Twas the first open water swim, we must avoid mishap,
When out on the lake there arose such a clatter,
Was too late to worry now, ‘cuz it really didn’t matter.
Down to the beach we marched -- nay we trudged,
Knowing today our efforts would fully be judged.
The sun on the lake, shining off the buoys out far,
Would challenge me for sure, but not you, you’re a swim star!
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But a whole lot of “pros”, with some pretty fancy gear.
With super fast bikes, that would make them ride quick,
Thank goodness we’d planned and done a good brick.
As quick as lactic acid these racers they came,
We were focused and nervous but determined all the same;
"Now, Faster! now, Quicker! no, whining or quittin’!
On, pace! on form! on, spandex tightly fittin’!
To the top of the hill! Without hitting the wall!
Now swim away! Bike away! Run away all!"
As I finished the swim and rubbed water from my eyes,
I saw that these wetsuits aren’t flattering on one’s thighs.
So up to transition I practically flew,
Knowing there might be a chance I could catch up with you.
And then, in a flash, you were gone on your bike
still one more sport left, ‘til the one you really don’t like.
As you put on your helmet, and were turning around,
You looked down the path and cursed something profound.
You were dressed all in gear, from your head to your foot,
Now if only your helmet would stay where it’s put;
The bundle of food you had put in your pack,
Would provide you with an important mid-race power snack.
Gatorade and water, were strapped to your chassis,
and I kid you not, you were looking real classy!
Three laps you would take and up a small hill,
that saddle rash was more effective than a contraceptive pill.
Before you knew it, you were back for T2,
you couldn’t bonk now, you had to pull through.
Out on the trail, you kept a good pace,
You may have stopped twice, but only to tie your shoelace.
You worked so hard, you deserve a gold medal,
You never gave up, even when it was SO hard to pedal.
You’re always so chipper with words of encouragement,
You should be so proud that you never “hit” the pavement.
With always a joke, but willing to work,
And endured all the time; while not being a jerk,
And even while getting water up your nose,
And trying out training tips with a very odd stretching pose.
You sprang to your bike, to your dog gave a whistle,
And away you both flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard you exclaim, ere you went out of sight,
"Happy training to all, it’s been a true delight."
1 comment:
I love it and I am not even a Tri participant =) So fun to read!
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