This a.m. -38 with a windchill of -49 Celsius. That's just freakishly cold!!! Spending a lot of time indoors.
Yesterday's swim was pretty good, even though I was swimming solo (Stacey had something going on). In total 1000m. Today is a 50 min ride, which I'll be doing this afternoon. Have the day off, doing some "other" work, but will squeeze the ride in on the trainer a bit later. I had planned to do it this a.m. but when I woke up at 5:45 and saw it was -38 I voted to stay in my warm bed knowing I could do it later. Tomorrow is an easy run, resting up for our testing on Thursday.

Well I better get at it! I'll do an update once my workout is done.
I'd planned to do my bike ride at 2, and then go get the kids. Of course it didn't happen. So, went to get the kids from school, had a few extra in tow (so cute!!!). After going to the post office and store, I put supper in the oven and then got on my gear and headed down for my ride (in the basement). At first I was kind of dreading it, as it can be so boring on the trainer. But Shawn had us doing all kinds of different combinations so the time actually went pretty quick. I was sweating like crazy, so was happy when my boy came down to check things out, got him to toss me a towel. "Thanks Babe" I got frustrated with the single leg drills.... I really need to get clippless pedals. I have the regular clips, but it's just so clunky and choppy doing the single leg drills. I could really see how much better my cadence was when I focused on pulling up and not just pushing down. When I finished my ride I finished up making supper, and we had a nice family dinner. Meat loaf, potatoes, broccoli and spinach salad. Funny, I had made salmon for myself, but just couldn't resist the meatloaf. It was homemade meatloaf, so at least I knew what was in it.
On Friday I had a meeting with a physiotherapist (for my job) and it was great because I knew he was into triathlons as I've seen him race. So we spent the first 10-15 minutes chatting about triathlons. (He was my physiotherapist for rehabing my shoulder after my surgery in '07.) What got me really excited was that I can book a 1 hour bike session with him, and he'll do the full work up, strength, power blah blah and a proper fit! I am especially excited about the proper fit, especially to see if he'll make any compensation for my shoulder. Although it hasn't really affected me, I can tell it is weaker, and when I'm riding for long periods of time it sometimes aches. He was quite amazed how far I've come with my range of motion in my shoulder, especially since it is such an "old" injury (20 years ago was the original "incident").
Going to go relax and stretch, before heading to bed. I have tomorrow as a work from home day too, but I learned my lesson today and will get my run out of the way first thing :)
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