At the beginning, I was able to focus my energies on doing the fundraising and although I was still training for my triathlons, I wasn't doing anything too special in preparation for the physical part of the ride. However, more recently I've been including some longer rides (Raymond to Lethbridge and back last Sunday!), and since my next triathlon is a longer distance, Shawn's been upping my workouts anyway, with lots of two a day workouts. So yesterday I did a 1:20 ride followed by a 20 min run ;) Today was a ride in the a.m. with a 2000m swim at lunch (had to cut it short to 1800m).
With lots of distractions (see above) I've not really had a chance to get too worked up. I don't have any goals for a finish time, but I know that when it gets hard, and it will, that I will keep all of my donors in mind, and of course Heather (love you!!). As hard as the ride might feel at the time, I know it is only infinitesimal compared to the journey she's on. And I think the collective spirit of all the riders will be an experience of a lifetime, and no doubt very emotional.
I will leave for Calgary tomorrow morning, as I have a few work meetings scheduled for the afternoon. Then to my sister's for the night. Then on Saturday I'll begin my "epic" ride out of Calgary, returning on Sunday. On Sunday, I'll have a tired body, but I expect I'll have a refreshed optimism and hope for humanity and a new respect for cyclists around the world :)
I hope to be able to document this experience via twitter [ @jasminnbert ] and to take some photos along the way.
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