I'm in a hurry, but if the title of this post doesn't say enough, this image will.... 200km ride in 2 days (June 26/27)!!
I'll be back later tonight to add more :)
OK, so it took me a bit longer to get "back" to this entry. Friday night I seriously could not keep myself awake. But I logged 9 hours sleep! Got up, did my "long" run and then got on with my day. It was an awesome day. We went quading/sledding/tubing! So much fun. Our neighbour, Kelvin is one of the nicest guys I know, and he'd arranged for most of us on our street to meet up over at the little lake in town so we could go out with the quads. It was a blast and perfect day (I think it was only -6). My butt was a bit cold, but we all had so much fun, not to mention the kids. Lar had a good time driving one of the quads (yup he was driving). It was just an all around good time.
Later in the evening we went out to Earls for dinner and for a date night. We finally saw "Avatar". It was really quite good. And I really enjoyed our night out. It was a great weekend, and today (Sunday I'm just catching up on stuff... including my blog).
This past week was a recovery week of training. At the beginning of the week I was kind of bummed about having to take it easy, but clearly by Friday night I needed it. Found myself getting grumpy during my "run" yesterday, as I couldn't go as fast as last week while keeping my heart rate around 125. Today was a rest day.... but who knows what tomorrow will bring. I don't get my next two weeks of training until tonight :)
Oh yeah... the subject of the post...recently I've been hearing about "The Ride to Conquer Cancer" on the radio and TV. It got me to thinking about how there are so many people that don't have the chance to do the types of things I am able to do (albeit I usually struggle through). My sister in law, Heather is currently battling cancer and it makes me sad as I think of her often. And my Mom is a survivor. So of course when I heard about the race, I wanted to find out more.
There's something about it that excites me, a chance to raise money that will stay in Alberta, to help patients in Alberta. The riding part will be challenging, but I would love to do it for Heather. I was only "playing" with the idea, and was even a bit nervous to bring it up with hubby, since it would require me to be away on our anniversary. The day right after I looked up more details, Tuesday, I found out that the Minister that married us in 1993 had suddenly died of acute leukemia. It was pretty much all I needed to push me forward. I was of course worried how it might interfere with my tri training, so I sent an email to Shawn and wondered what he might say :) He didn't scoff at all, and thought it might actually help with my cycling for the Olympic distance tri I'd be doing about 3 weeks after.
I'll be attending an info session on February 11th, before I officially commit, but as it is now, I'm feeling fairly convicted that I want to do it! Call me crazy, won't be the first time...but I am reminded by a song lyric "I hope you get the chance to live like you were dying". To be clear I'm not a country music fan... but those words mean something to me!
When I look back on my life, I don't think it'll be one of those things I look back at and say, "wish I hadn't done that".
1 comment:
Hi Jas,
It's been a long while since I last checked out your blog! Just want to say you are the best training partner ever!
Did we start this crazy experiment in 2008? Wha?! Looking back, I want you to know I am so grateful to you for dragging me into this, as unwilling as I was, you continue to be my greatest inspiration and motivation!
Love you lots, you crazy bastard.
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