Went for another long run today, not sure if that was too good with only 2 days in between my last long run! Of course the ipod quit on me with about 2.5 kms still to go, oh well, need to get used to running without it eventually :) I felt pretty good, it was a beautiful day for a run. At first it was lightly snowing but then it just was gorgeous blue skies and hardly any wind. I could feel my left hamstring tightening up :( I'll be sure to stretch it nice and good and will likely take tomorrow as a rest day, since I've done 6 consecutive days this week (Mon., run, Tues. swim, Wed,. long run, Thursday swim, Friday 30 min spin and some stretching).

10.52 kms
1 hour 15 mins including a 5 min warm up walk, and a circle back to house to get headband/ear warmers (my ears were getting cold).
It was a pretty basic run, my usual back road route, but lengthened out some. I loved that I had enough energy to go quicker for the last km, makes me wonder how fast I could do it if I knew how to pace myself correctly *grin*
Good news, I'll be speaking to Shawn via telephone on Monday to set up our first meeting time :) Yay... I don't want that triathlete Training Journal to go to waste.
Lar started his Martial Arts class today :) Yay! I'm pretty sure he really liked it, despite almost passing out and almost throwing up!!! I asked him if he wanted some ibuprofin for his aches and he declined saying he earned the hurt so he was going to "enjoy" it, and then he went for a good soak in the hot tub. Too funny! We'll see if he changes his tune tomorrow!
Also, something cool happened last night. I was re-watching the Ironman Canada and since I was pretty tired I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I actually saw Erin337 (from erinleetriathlon.com and Tri n Reality podcast). I wasn't sure so I checked out her race number on her blog, and yep it was her. I found that pretty cool, especially since she looked so happy, when she was racing.
Anyways, I'm off to play with the kids, Brynn is currently snapping the little spring door stopper on my office door, I think that's her hint... not that she's usually subtle about her hints. And Eamon has just recently returned from playing road hockey with the neighbours, so much fun!!! Really what I want to do is crawl up and take a nap, guess that'll have to wait for about 90 minutes (read =>>> bedtime!).
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