Thursday, March 11, 2010

Really a whole month?!?!?!

Just happened to notice that it's been over a month since I posted. Shame shame.
Life's been pretty busy (bday parties, kids stuff, visitors etc.), and this month has me travelling a fair bit. I'm actually writing this post from my hotel room :) Which I'm happy to say I got upgraded to a King Delux suite :)

I'm getting pretty good at fitting my workouts into my travel schedule. Oddly, this week the workout I missed (Monday) was when I was at home (made it up yesterday). That was just poor planning... had the best intentions, but when I got to the pool at 4:15 p.m. I discovered that lane swim ended at 3:45. What are you going to do?!?!? So I'm trying out all the pools Red Deer has to offer (yesterday Michener Aquatic, today Rec Centre). My last trip here in February I ended up doing lane swim in a wave pool that was marked off with lanes, and I'm not convinced they were 25 m. The hotel has a nice fitness centre, so I can easily do my runs on the treadmill. But, I have to laugh because the treadmills are pre-programmed to stop after 30 minutes. That just won't work for me ;) Especially my 65 minute run scheduled for tomorrow. Sigh.

I am fighting off a cold, so I plan to try and get a nap in later this afternoon as tomorrow is going to be a very busy day, and then a long drive home.

Training has been pretty good, am really enjoying my cycling. I suppose that's a good thing given my plans for this summer! I've been going to physio (also a triathlete) for my left hip, in hopes it doesn't get too crazy, it's so tight and causes me trouble especially during my long runs. Was "ordered" to do a therapeutic massage.... didn't take too much convincing :) I was seriously bruised after! Also have some exercises and was shown a few other purposes for a tennis ball. GENIOUS!

I feel like I'm on "reporting" overload. I've been logging on then in my triathlete's training diary, and then in my spreadsheet for Shawn, plus uploading to so I can see the charts etc.. TOO much... have to figure out something a little less redundant.

Anyway, have to get dressed and head out for my next meeting (45 minute drive away).