I swam the dam . . . July 18, 09. The picture to the left is my daughter proudly wearing my "I swam the Dam" tattoo! So cute.
Up until the night before I wasn't certain I would do the race. I'd signed up in the post race rush of the Wasa Lake Tri, but realistically with my work/travel (race was on a Saturday, we returned from our trip on Thursday) schedule I wasn't getting in the training. That was reason number one. Secondly, our good friends from BC were visiting and staying with us, so I felt a bit bad about ditching everyone to go to the race. However, a few things were in my mind. I'd purchased my wetsuit and I felt like I'd be "quitting" on myself if I didn't do it, and what kind of message would that be sending to my kids. I would be doing this race "solo" as Stacey had proclaimed earlier "I'm out, it's golf season". Totally cool, I was glad to have had her join me in the two earlier races.
I had really loved the open water swim of the Wasa
ooop I'll be back to finish